Monday, October 5, 2009

Home remedy to relieve leg and thigh muscle cramps

Leg and thigh cramps are commonly seen in our day to day lives. One small twitch and your leg becomes struck with pain and immobility.
Ayurveda has explained a mustard oil, which can be easily prepared at home.
The massage oil name is - Ashta Katvara Taila

Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali (a famous compilatory work on all Ayurvedic preparations)

Urusthamba Chikitsa Prakarana 27/22. (explained under the context of a thigh and leg related disorder)


Pippali moola (root of long pepper) - 50 g

Shunti (wet ginger)(fresh Zingiber officinale ) - 50 g

Sarshapa taila - Mustard oil - 1 Prastha =16 pala= 800 ml

Dadhi (curds) - 1 Prastha - 16 pala= 800 ml

Katvara (takra)- buttermilk - 8 prastha - 6.4 lters

water - 3 liters.

Procedure: first Mustard oil is taken and kept over stove, after one minute, make paste of long pepper root and ginger and add to it. then add the rest of the liquids, stir mildly. and heat it till all the moisture content is evaporated.

when to stop heating: when you start the procedure, mark the level of oil. while heating, when the overall liquid level is comiing down to the original oil level, take a small piece of bolus from the bottom of the vessel with the help of a log spoon and burn it. if you are not listening to any sound, then the oil is ready. If you are hearing any sound, then repeatedly check till you dont hear any sound. After no sound, immediately remove the vessel from the stove.

After self cooling, collect the oil in a clean air tight bottle.

How to intake: 4-8 drops with hot water, before food, morning and in the evening. (swallow 8 drops then drink a cup of hot water. )

Massage cream to relieve thigh and leg cramps -
Arthorub ointment. : This ointment contains effective ayurvedic herbal formulae like Kottamchukkadi taila, Pinda Taila and Sahacharadi taila, which are used to relieve muscle and joint related aches and pains since many centuries. Since this is in ointment form, the herbla formula is easliy absorbed by the skin to bring quick pain relief. You can purchase arthorub ointment by clicking on the link over arthorub.

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write to me at: for further queries and clarifications.
visit to do an online purchase of Authentic herbal products.

You may also contact me to get the Ayurvedic products delivered right to your doorstep or for online ayurvedic medical consultation.

Dr Janardhan Hebbar MD (Ayu)

Mobile:+91 90431 26087

Office: 0452 2370781 extension - 239

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