Thursday, October 15, 2009

curd at night?

Can curd be consumed at night? This question has been answered in Ayurvedic texts.
Ayurveda explains that curd (Dadhi) has sour mixed sweet property and it increase Kapha and pitta Doshas . During night period, there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body. So, curd consumption at night will further increase kapha leading to many complications.
This is quite similar to exposing yourself to hot Sun in the afternoon hours, which is not recommended, because, afternoon period is naturally Pitta predominant period and sun exposure also increases Pitta.

Qualities of curds according to Ayurveda:
Amla paka rasam grahi guru ushnam dadhi vatajit |
meda shukra bala shleshma pitta rakta agni shopha krut ||

Dadhi or curds is sour in taste with hot  potency,  heavy to digest (takes a longer time  undergo digestion).  It increases fat, strength, kapha, pitta and digestive power.
Whenever there is swelling or inflammation, if curd is taken, it worsens the inflammation.
Note that these properties are attributed to sour curds.

Naivaadyaa nishi naivoshnam vasantha ushna sharatsu na |

Sour curd should not be consumed after heating it. .
Curds should not be consumed during night (nishi),
It should also not be consumed during spring and summer seasons.

Curds recipes:  sour curds mixed with soup of green gram, honey, ghee, sugar and amla is helpful in relieving Dysurea (difficulty in urination) and indigestion.

Try avoid consuming curd at night. Because night is basically Kapha predominant period. thus consuming curd at night is best avoided according to Ayurveda.

If at all you are accustomed to take curds at night, I know that old habits die hard. so, mix a small pinch of pepper powder to curds and consume. (do not add too much. it may cause burning sensation). You may also try adding fenugreek powder if you can tolerate a slight tinge of bitterness. (but this superb combination will relieve all kinds of stomach pain generated due to indigestion).
Mixing sugar to yogurt and drinking at night is a strict no-no.

Buttermilk is best substitute to curds at night. Buttermilk clears the channel and chucks mucus secretion.
Qualities of butter milk (takra) –

Buttermilk benefits:
Takram laghu Kashaya amlam deepanam kaphavatajit |
Shopha udara arsha grahani dosha mootragraha aruchihi |
pleeha gulma ghritavyapat gara paandu aamayaan jayet || – Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutra sthana – 5th chapter

The health benefits of buttermilk: Butter milk is easy to digest, has astringent and sour tastes, improves digestion and mitigates kaha and vata.
it is useful in the treatment of inflammation, digestive and stomach related disorders, difficulty in urination, anorexia, spleen disorders, diseases caused due to excessive ghee consumption and anemia.

how to prepared butermilk?
churn curds, seperate the butter. remnant liquid is buttermilk.

You are you free to contact me to discuss any topic related to Ayurveda, disease and health condtions and herbal products.

skype me at – hebbarjv

write to me at: for further queries and clarifications.
visit to do an online purchase of Authentic herbal products.

You may also contact me to get the Ayurvedic products delivered right to your doorstep or for online ayurvedic medical consultation.
Dr Janardhan Hebbar MD (Ayu)

Mobile:+91 90431 26087

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PCOS symptoms, causes and Ayurvedic herbal remedies

PCOS is a very common health complaint in young and adult females. Polycystic ovar syndrome is  also known as Polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD. This is called as syndrome because of involvement of many different body parts and manifestation of many symptoms together - such as  - insulin resistance , obesity, irregular  cycle menstrual bleeding (in most cases, excessive menstrual bleeding),  abnormal periods & cycle, lack of ovum production (anovulation) etc.

Organs involved in Polycystic Ovary disease-
1. Overies - the female gonad organ, present at the either sides of the uterus.
2. Adrenal glands - The glands which are placed just above the both the kidneys.
3. Pancreas - Gland that produces insulin in our body.
4. Pituitary gland - the gland just below the brain, which is resonsible for all the hormonal control.

There is increased production of Androgen (a hormone) by the ovaries, which suppressess the maturation of ovarian follicles (ovarian follicles lead to ovum). So, ovum does not get properly formed and released (anovulation). Remember that ovum meets with the sperm during sexual intercourse leading to conception. So, in a case of PCOD, the lady usually will be having problem with conception.
How frequent is the problem of PCOs?
The incidence rate is between 0.5 – 4 per cent, more common amongt infertile women. It is prevalent in young reproductive period.
Typically, the ovary enlarged two to five times the normal size. Stroma is increased. The out covering capsule of ovary-enlarged is thickened and pearly white in color. Overies will have many cysts within.
Tissue-wise there is thickening of tunica albugenia. The cysts are follicles at varying stages of maturation and atresia. There is theca cell hypertrophy (stromal hyperthecosis). Patient may present with features of diabetes mellitus (insulin resistance).
Cystic symptoms -
Iincreasing obesity, menstrual abnormalities in the form of less menstrual bleeding, absence of menstruation, or abnormally high and irregular bleeding and infertility. There may be abnormal frowth of hair at different places of the body.  The patient may not always be obese.
In some patients, due to insulin resistance,  a dark colored band like skin lesion may be developed at the back of the neck, inner thighs and axilla,  called as Acanthosis nigricans.
Internally -  bilateral enlarged cystic ovaries which however may not be revealed due to obesity.
Ultra sonography (USG) scanning and laproscopy – reveals the polycystic ovaries.
1. Hypothalamic – pituitary compartment abnormality:
Stimulation of GnRH leads to increased LH. (leutinizing Harmone). Leading to increased secretion of LH and decrease of FSH (Follicle stimulating Hormone)  - This way, Hormonal imbalance is triggered in PCOD.
2. Androgen excess – in some patients the excessive production of Androgen by ovaries and adrenal glands. Excessive androgen production is partially influenced by excessive LH. Increased insulin levels also results in androgen excess.
3. Anovulation (absence of ovum production)
Because of low levels of Follicle stimulating hormone,  follicle growth inside the ovary is arrested leading to absense of ovum production (anovulation ) further leading to infertility.
4. Relationship between obesity, insulin production and PCOD
Obesity is recognized as an important contributory factor. It also induces insulin resistance and increased levels of insulin in blood, which in turn increases the androgen production.
Insulin resistance means that the body cells will not respond to the effect of insulin. So, though the body is trying to compensate by producing more and more insulin, leading to high levels of insulin, but thus produced insulin will be inefficient to metabolise the glucose in the body. So, the body becomes resistant to isnulin, menas the body will not respond to isnulin.
Long term consequences in a patient suffering from PCOD –
Excess androgens (predominantly androstenedione) leads to thickening (hyperplasia) of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium).
Risk of developing diabetes mellitus due to insulin resistance.
Risk of hypertension and abnormally high lipid profile.

Pregnancy PCOS –
Because of hormonal imbalance, there will be lack of ovulation (release of egg). Release of egg is a normal phenomenon occurring 0n 14th day. But in PCOS, because of lack of reease of egg, some patients will have difficulty in conceiving.  
PCOS Treatment –
Treatment of PCOD needs individualistic approach because, not all the sypmtoms might be seen in all the patients.
It depends on the presenting symptoms, like menstrual abnormalities, infertility, obesity, hirsutism or combined symptoms.
Biochemical abnormities to be corrected –
Hyper- androgenism,
Hyper secretion of LH (correction of hormonal balance), .
High levels of insulin &
Low Follicle stimulating hormone (again related to hormone imbalance management.)
Weight reduction in obese patients is the first line of treatment. Body mass index (BMI)< 25 improves the menstrual abnormalities, hirsutism and infertility.
Ayurvedic herbal remedy for PCOD -
Ayurvedic treatment is by applying a multi-pronged approach towards -
- correct hormonal imbalance,
- treatment to obesity and avoiding high cholesterol levels,
- treatment to isnulin resisstance.
- treatment to induce ovulation.

1. Correcting hormonal imbalance:
there are many  herbs useful in correcting the hormonal imbalance. Ashoka (saraca asoca), Dashamoola (a group of ten herbal roots) a group of herbs useful in preparation of Sukumara Kashaya like Ashwagandha, Eranda, Shatavari etc.  are useful in correcting the hormonal imbalance. A purely Ayurvedic herbal product called Gynaven tablets have the above mentioned combination, which is effective in decreasing the levels of LH and increasing the levels of FSH leading to improved functioning of ovaries, further leading to normal ovulation, and proper production and release of ovaries.
The dose of Gynaeven tablets is two tablets three times a day. Gynaeven also helps to improve the chance for pregnancy in  PCOS lady.
2. Treatment to obesity:
Treatment to obesity and specifically against cholesterol can be achieved by using Ayurvedic herbal remedy called as Lomedus tablets. It contains many vital herbal ingredients such as Triphala, Guggulu etc.. the efficacy of which is well established against high levels of cholesterol.
Dosage of Lomedus tablets: one tablet two to three times a day. on a longer course, 9after two to three months, dosage can be reducesd to one tablet two times a day.
3. Treatment insuin resistance:
Treatment for insulin resistance involves a time consuming approach with effective Ayurvedic herbal tablet called Setebid tablets.
Dosage of setebid tablets- two tablets three times a day. and after two to three months, dosage can be slowly decreased.
To purchase the herbal products suggested  in this article from, click on the product names. They are from AVN Ayurveda Formulations Pvt. Ltd., backed with scientific research and development. Click here to read more about AVN.
About the manufacturer of the products mentioned in this article –
All the products that are described in the blog are manufactured by AVN Ayurveda Formulations Pvt Ltd, a 79 year old organization, involved in authentic and high quality Ayurvedic herbal product manufacturing and marketing.
AVN does not manufacture any product with heavy metal ingredient.
This online Ayurvedic herbal shop is backed by strong customer care service, sincerity and promptness. The products purchased are delivered to the customers (to any part of the world within maximum 7 to 8 days.
The PCOD or PCOS is a common complaint in women, which can be effectively managed using Ayurvedic herbal remedies and herbal medicines.
A multi - pronged approach taking care of different organs and glads is necessary.
Not all the symptoms are manifested in all the cases of PCOD. but irregular periods is seen in common in many.
If you have any queries regarding this article and want to discuss with me, then please write to me at
skype me: hebbarjv
Feel free to contact me for any health problem of yours. please send an email and I will get in touch with you.
If you are an Indian and want to buy the Ayurvedic products that I have mentioned, please write an email at the above address.
Dr Janardhana V Hebbar MD (Ayu)
+91 90431 26087