Thursday, October 15, 2009

curd at night?

Can curd be consumed at night? This question has been answered in Ayurvedic texts.
Ayurveda explains that curd (Dadhi) has sour mixed sweet property and it increase Kapha and pitta Doshas . During night period, there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body. So, curd consumption at night will further increase kapha leading to many complications.
This is quite similar to exposing yourself to hot Sun in the afternoon hours, which is not recommended, because, afternoon period is naturally Pitta predominant period and sun exposure also increases Pitta.

Qualities of curds according to Ayurveda:
Amla paka rasam grahi guru ushnam dadhi vatajit |
meda shukra bala shleshma pitta rakta agni shopha krut ||

Dadhi or curds is sour in taste with hot  potency,  heavy to digest (takes a longer time  undergo digestion).  It increases fat, strength, kapha, pitta and digestive power.
Whenever there is swelling or inflammation, if curd is taken, it worsens the inflammation.
Note that these properties are attributed to sour curds.

Naivaadyaa nishi naivoshnam vasantha ushna sharatsu na |

Sour curd should not be consumed after heating it. .
Curds should not be consumed during night (nishi),
It should also not be consumed during spring and summer seasons.

Curds recipes:  sour curds mixed with soup of green gram, honey, ghee, sugar and amla is helpful in relieving Dysurea (difficulty in urination) and indigestion.

Try avoid consuming curd at night. Because night is basically Kapha predominant period. thus consuming curd at night is best avoided according to Ayurveda.

If at all you are accustomed to take curds at night, I know that old habits die hard. so, mix a small pinch of pepper powder to curds and consume. (do not add too much. it may cause burning sensation). You may also try adding fenugreek powder if you can tolerate a slight tinge of bitterness. (but this superb combination will relieve all kinds of stomach pain generated due to indigestion).
Mixing sugar to yogurt and drinking at night is a strict no-no.

Buttermilk is best substitute to curds at night. Buttermilk clears the channel and chucks mucus secretion.
Qualities of butter milk (takra) –

Buttermilk benefits:
Takram laghu Kashaya amlam deepanam kaphavatajit |
Shopha udara arsha grahani dosha mootragraha aruchihi |
pleeha gulma ghritavyapat gara paandu aamayaan jayet || – Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutra sthana – 5th chapter

The health benefits of buttermilk: Butter milk is easy to digest, has astringent and sour tastes, improves digestion and mitigates kaha and vata.
it is useful in the treatment of inflammation, digestive and stomach related disorders, difficulty in urination, anorexia, spleen disorders, diseases caused due to excessive ghee consumption and anemia.

how to prepared butermilk?
churn curds, seperate the butter. remnant liquid is buttermilk.

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Dr Janardhan Hebbar MD (Ayu)

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